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Paradox OmegaSchool fish oil for children

Paradox OmegaSchool


Paradox Omega School provides a Clever, Safe and Effective Way of Delivering Essential Omega-3 and Vitamin D to Kids and Teenagers

ADHD, Learning Difficulties and Concentration:  the main components of fish oil: EPA and DHA - may benefit in helping children with learning difficulties and concentration issues. 

Asthma:  research suggests that the epidemic of childhood asthma is associated with a change in the Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acid ratio in a child's diet. Paradox Omega School provides the correct balance of Omega fatty acids, to redress the imbalance that is now endemic in Western diets.

Paradox Omega School has been developed to help a child's mind and body develop - it can help with brain function and concentration, as well as maintaing general wellbeing and helping protect a child from conditions such as childhood asthma or obesity. 

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