Clean Up Breakouts in 4 Easy Steps
Skin breakouts are common place during teenage years, but can persist into adulthood. This is dependant on varying factors such as...

Bee Venom Serum Product Review
This month I will be reviewing the Wild Ferns New Zealand Bee Venom Serum as part of our Skin Rejuvenation Month. Recently I have been...

Yoga for the Face?
We've all heard of yoga for the body and the many health benefits and mindfulness techniques it gives, but is there such a thing as yoga...

What is Clean Beauty?
At first glance the multi billion pound beauty industry appears to rely on individuals insecurities to hyper sell products with empty...

Beat HAY FEVER This Year
As the mother of a 12 year old who suffers badly with hay fever I know only too well how annoying and unpleasant this allergy can be. ...

Your Healthy Heart Journey
As we approach the end of February we come to the end of Heart Month, a month when we have hit pause and taken stock of our heart health....

Top Tips for Staying Warm When It's Oh So Cold!
Cold temperatures have an impact on our health. As we get older it becomes harder for our bodies to detect how cold we are, and it takes...

High Blood Pressure the Motivating Factor in Framar's Marathon Ambitions
In January 2017 I arrived at hospital due to a blood pressure reading of 180/110. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was only...

Is there such a thing as 'good salt'?
The balance of mineral salts in the body is vitally important for joint health, emotional health and general wellbeing. Different salts...

Not Just Another January Detox
Following the socialising and celebrating of the festive season when we have eaten and drank much much more than usual, we can now expect...